Thursday, 26 December 2013

Some Upcoming Releases

Gear Mk. Trithemius
These images have been seen on the Cipher Studios FB page, as well as on the FRP Games retail site. Some info has been speculated on on the Cipher Studios Forum.

Gear Mk. Trithemius: Basically a sort-of Agent Gear; this unit does not count as an Agent, but counts against your Party limit of Agents. Currently known rules suggest up to 1 Gear Mk. Trithemius per 150 Levels in a Party. Neutral Faction, Wissenschaft (of course) and unlike most of the larger Gears does not have named Pilots.

FRP Games lists February 2014 as estimated release.

October/Death Glacial
October: Possibly also known as Death Glacier or Death Glacial; Dark Empire. No rules leaked yet as far as I know, but Empire suggests decent Armor, and of course the weapon suggests Ranged Attack. October is believed to be one of a trio of Empire assassins (see below for another), therefore could be a new Team.

FRP Games lists February 2014 as estimated release.

September: Also known as Mukui; presumably Empire, but other details are unknown. May possibly form a Team with October and a red-headed woman tentatively though to be November (kudos to SageofLodoss from the Forum for linking that information together).

No speculative release date yet, but this was first shown by Cipher Studios around 5-6 months ago, so hopefully not too long.


  1. I immediately took the top pic as being of Force Commander & Baron Karza of the Micronauts (look up pictures of them).
    What happened to your followers gadget? According to my feed-reader, I'm still following you...but everybody's disappeared from your followers. I've seen that happen before, though I don't know why.

    1. Weird, it's back! This happens with google products...

    2. Also had problems with the Top Comments gadget lately; blogger is evidently having another phase of gremlins...


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