Sunday, 11 January 2015

Tales Of The Ninja

While painting progresses slowly, I just wanted to take a little time to draw attention to a web-site and fanzine that supports Ninja Division games and products, including Anima Tactics (as well as games like Helldorado and Relic Knights among others).

The Tales of the Ninja web-site can be found through this link. The site also has issues of the fanzine available fro free download, with issue 3 due soon, which may feature an article by ye Pulp Citizen about my project to paint everything for Anima Tactics.


  1. Hola. Tengo un monton de minis de Anima Tactics para vender. No he podido contactar por mail y por eso dejo este comentario.

    Hello. I have a lot of Anima Tactics for sale.


    1. Hi Fran. I have all I need thanks, and don't need any more. :)


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